Free Book Fairs & Book Trailer Visits
There are 22 schools in AISD that qualify for a Free Book Fair from Storybridge. This means that every student will be able to choose free books to add to their home library. We deliver an average of 1,900 books to each school for their FBF.
If a school does not qualify for a Free Book Fair, they will get a Book Trailer Visit. To find the students who would benefit most from Storybridge books, the school will send home a Book Ownership Survey. Eligible students will be able to choose free books out of the Book Trailer.
This program is where it all began. It’s pretty simple actually: The quickest way to solve the problem of kids not having enough books at home is to give them books! And the most efficient way to do that at scale is to bring the books to their school. We offered the first Storybridge Free Book Fair at Emerson Elementary in October of 2016, and since then we have improved and grown every year. As of 2023, we are so grateful to be able to serve EVERY elementary in Amarillo ISD through either a Free Book Fair or a Book Trailer Visit.
Over 10,000 Amarillo kids benefited from this program in 2023!
Over 10,000 Amarillo kids benefited from this program in 2023! 〰️
Alejandra | Sanborn Elementary Parent
“Me encantaron sus libros, que están en español e inglés a mi niño también le encantaron los cuentos.”
Tessa | Whittier Elementary Parent